
Showing posts from 2006

Speech Pathology

      Samm met her speech pathologist today, after going through the usual long interviews , we were given some lessons on what to do with Sams speech therapy.      Teacher Rorie educated us the importance of INFORMATION TALK (INFO TALK) provides auditory bombardment of the target vocabulary engage in activities of daily living. names of family, common objects being used everyday, and actions being done everyday. example: 1. "dede.....dede Sam....dede" 2. "papa....carry by Papa....Papa" 3. " mama....carry by mama.. mama" reduplicated babbling      It gave us a better perspective on Sams present stage. Speech according to Teacher Rorie is a fine motor skill, where in it involes smaller groups of muscles. Part of the therapy is continuing oral stimulation excercises.      It is quite a challenging task but we know we will hear someday Sam will say "I LOVE YOU DADDY".

Global Developmental Delay

     Samuelle Eanne is alredy 2 years 4 months old at present. She has grown to a little girl already. Time is being so fast that it seemed just like yesterday when she was just a cute baby, very behave and not crying too much. First we thought it was the effect of successful parenting. Not knowing there was something wrong, until one afternoon she just stop drinking milk. It seemed she lost her sucking reflex that she don't want to suck. There it all started the seeking of answers to questions through families, friends, clinics, and of course google. It didn't stop untill now and we will not stop learning what will happen next after Global Developmental Delay (GDD).    Our hope in a miracle will happen, because we believe there is a Living God who is the same yesterday, today and forever.