Nine LOVE Years

Nine LOVE Years It's our 9th wedding anniversary today, I am still here at the office in General Santos City, waiting for my turn to present to the boss. I have planned to surprise my baby tonight with a bouquet of flowers and a dinner to a restaurant with a nice table cloth. Then watch a movie......Eat, Love and Pray. Since it will not happen tonight, it is such a sad part of the story. But still I want to thank God for His blessings in our marriage. For being together in sickness and in health, for richer and for poorer till death do we part is enough to give him thanks. For giving us two cute kids, Samm who is starting to walk on her own and Yohanne's smile can suck those negative energies we get on our day job. For the supportive family we have both from the natural and spiritual. I have seen how we have grown from the day we shared our vows at the Garden in Waterfront Hotel, Davao. I can say that LOVE indeed is AMAZING! 1 Corinthians 13:13. It has the...