LIVING RIGHT: Fit n’ Right

I am enjoying the book of Romans that I was able to finish the 16 chapters in less than a week. My day job required me this week to be waking up early, time flies so fast, that I failed to notice it is weekend again. Well welcome to life, as long as the Lord is allowing us to breathe; we are still part of the "cycle of life". It is a debate on opinions on how we live this life. As human beings we are given the freedom on what we want to do with it, because of the free will that God will bestowed us. God is full of grace and mercy; He had provided us with a brain to think and unlimited abilities, for we are created in His likeness.

Paul in his letter to the Romans, beginning Chapter 1, is consistently reminding Christians on how to live right. It is a bit subjective because sometimes, what is right is relative to somebody's interpretation. But God never failed to show to us, through the life of Jesus and through His words, the Bible what is the right way of conduct. Why it that people is very much inclined to sinning? It is like a particle with opposite charges, it automatically attracts, and once attracted it is difficult to neutralize. It requires power to pull, in order for it to be free. Romans Chapter 8 describes and described the solution on how to be out of this Sinful Nature. There are no
reasons that I can not get out of sin, if I am in it, is because I love doing it. Please see the verses below.

Romans 9:9-10

9 But you are not controlled by your sinful nature. You are controlled by the Spirit if you have the Spirit of God living in you. (And remember that those who do not have the Spirit of Christ living in them do not belong to him at all.) 10 And Christ lives within you, so even though your body will die because of sin, the Spirit gives you life[d] because you have been made right with God.

In addition are some powerful words from Paul in Romans 11, on how we should behave.

Romans 11:2

2 Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

This is a command with a promise; maybe we can answer first the Why? It is because we are CHRISTIANS, we are CHRIST LIKE, we live a life like Christ. You might say, are you nuts? Can you do that? Jesus came to earth as a complete human being, this means that in all aspects, body, mind and spirit, he feels like a human being. Emotionally affected, he can be depressed also, he is physically tired, hungry and also be tempted, and yet HE overcome.

Romas 11:2 clearly states on how to do it, it is by changing the way you think. We are given the ability that our brain can process millions of information in a second. In a second we can filter what is right and pleasing to God immediately. What we are doing is we are ignoring the nag; a nag is like a pop up balloon in your computer screen, which pops up when it has something to say. What we do is we shut down the nag right away and do what we please. It is time to take time and listen to what the nag is telling us, always remember it is for my own good.

And the promise is, we will learn to know the pleasing and perfect will of God will be known to us. Two positive words, PLEASING and PERFECT: Other words with the same meaning to pleasing
admirable, charming, delightful, delicious, easy, fabulous, good, gratifying, sweet. And other words with the same meaning to perfect, clean, clear, mastered, errorless, faultless, immaculate, impeccable, flawless, unflawed, ideal, uncorrupted, undefiled. From

And lastly, we are made conquerors when it comes to our battle between good and evil.

Romans 11:21

21 Don't let evil conquer you, but conquer evil by doing good.

I will be in the book of 1 Corinthians tomorrow, Praise Him.

See you


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