This Is Amazing Grace

This morning, while my 6 years old son is eating, I joined him at the breakfast table to have morning talks. Our conversation started like this: Yohanne: Daddy when you were upstairs what are you doing? Me: I am worshipping God in my guitar. Yohanne: Why Daddy? Me: Because I am a musician at church, I need to have my own time to worship God with my instrument. How about you? Do you want also to worship God with what instrument? Yohanne: Yes Daddy, I want to play guitar with you in church. Me: I thought you like drums. If you have your drums you need to practice, ok? Yohanne: Yeah, I will watch the DVD. (He was referring to this: Me: If you listen to music, you need to listen to the drum part. I opened the video on YouTube for us to listen to "This is Amazing Grace by Paul Wickham" Below is the YouTube link. On the bridge of the song, the lyrics is this: "Worthy is the Lamb who ...