The Lord our Healer: Jehovah Rapha

     I had my checkup at the Doctors clinic today, the clinical clerk check my BP and it is 120/80.  It is now my 8th year free from Hypertension. Praise and Glory to the Lord our Healer. 

     I was diagnosed of Hypertension on the summer of 2006.  What made it worse is I already have Left Ventricular Hyperthropy (LVH) in common language term, I have a heart enlargement due to an overworked heart.  This too was confirmed through 2D Echo.  I was under medication with Telmisartan (Pritor) 40mg.  That was my past clinical history. Now I have a brand new heart.

      For me it was a struggle between faith and knowledge. I was trained from a U.S. company to sell cardiovascular drugs.  For 7 years I communicate to doctors, benefits of taking hypertensive drugs.  How can I forget Hypertension is a lifelong disease.  Once you have it the tendency of reversing it, is impossible.  Doctors management is to maintain their patient with drugs and lifestyle modification.  In order to prevent target organ damage, the kidneys, heart and brain.   All of these information are in my brain bank,  that is why there is a deep struggle claiming my healing by faith.  When I pray my subconscious will always replay on the background that hypertension in incurable. 

     However I refuse to be defeated, and had to claim my healing.  That in my heart and mind I know I will be healed. I also know that in every healing story in the Bible, faith is essential for miracles to happen.  To build my faith I need to read the Bible and to hear his words through preaching.  Paul said to the Romans:
     So faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing the Good News about Christ. (Romans 10:17 NLT)
Physically I need to develop my cardiovascular endurance.  I started exercising.  I enrolled in an amateur boxing class, once a week.  

     It was one afternoon of the year 2007 when I am feeling dizzy.  I checked my BP and it was below normal.  I was advised to titrate the dosage to 20mg. Yet I was still dizzy, even I shifted to a very low dose CCBbitbdod not changed.   That day I stopped taking my medications for hypertension and my Hypertension is history.  I am Healed.

     Now I can go back to work.


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