
Showing posts from May, 2010


     I was busy running this week. I had two episodes of getting on the road by 4am, on Wednesday and Thursday. The end result, I was not able to write down my devotions in my blog. It was the first week of May when I started the Book of Acts, with a goal to finish it at the end of the month. It was indeed amazing that, by Monday, May 24 th , I am already in the Book of Romans. If you are following Paul's ministry, It is his letter to strengthen the Christians in Rome,and became the 6 th Book of the New Testament. I am already on the 9 th Chapter and it came to my attention the Creator: Creation concept on Chapter 9:20-21.      We love to create, is it because  we are created in the image and likeness of God? I have friends who are into creation of buildings, art, music and for me in agriculture. Wait a minute, you mean you create plants and animals? No, we can't create but we imagine on how to improve them. The outcome of a creation is being determined by the c


     It was a very busy 2nd week of May, there is a big challenge on the job since February.  With El Niño  phenomenon adding to it made it double difficult.  As a child of God, I am focusing my eyes on Him and get my wisdom in the word of God.        My devotional blog got lost for this week, I thank God I still manage to have good readings it is just that I was not able to write it in this blog.  I am still in the book of Acts and the Lord is adding  my knowledge on the operations of the early church.  Considering its setting as the 1st century, ministry during that specific era is totally different comparing it at present.  Let us take information for example, it travels in a tortoise speed during those years but now information travels in the speed of light. But what is notable during the early church is that the Power of God is very evident, it is tangible. Miracles, Signs and Wonders and Healing are happening everyday. Sad to say not all of Christian churches are seeing that

GOD Turning a MONSTER into SAINT

     I am very happy waking up this morning, I had a good rest waking up at 10am.  When God blessed us with babies, sleeping patterns became erratic.  And going to work on weekdays will let you sacrifice an 8 hour of sleep or in my case sleeping on our bed.  Most of the time you will find me sleeping on Samm's room because she tends to be awake in the middle of the night.  She needs someone on her side to put her back to sleep.      I tried to have my devotions at 6am a while ago, after I turned over Yohanne to ate Pilar but my eyes are falling.  It is our agreement with my Bb (that is what I call my wife, Bb or Mahal), that from 4am to 6am I will be responsible for our 7 month old Yohanne.  After 6am it will be with the Yaya, so guess what I did? I went back to sleep and regained consciousness at 10am.      Going back to my devotions, I am still in the Book of Acts and I am learning each day with the help of the Holy Spirit.  Acts chapter 8 and 9 talks about a lot of things form

First Option or Last Resort

      I remembered that I have a blogspot account it. It was October 2006 when I first wrote a note, for the purpose of documenting my little angels progress. It was not a successful feat as it only contained 4 entries. I decided to have my devotions everyday and in order for me not to fail, I need to have it written in my blog. I started it with windows live but I was having a hard time on the format, the site is not that user friendly. I manage however to import some of the entries to my facebook notes which is linked on this site. I published 2 devotions on wall, you can follow the linked as you click facebook notes. Now wanted to do reverse, I will write my devotions on this blogsite and have it linked in my facebook wall.        I don't have a digital bible on my PC, I am reading my bible online.  In my windows mobile phone I have olive tree and a version of New Living Translation (NLT) in it.  That is what I am using during Sunday service and to take down notes also.  I a