GOD Turning a MONSTER into SAINT

     I am very happy waking up this morning, I had a good rest waking up at 10am.  When God blessed us with babies, sleeping patterns became erratic.  And going to work on weekdays will let you sacrifice an 8 hour of sleep or in my case sleeping on our bed.  Most of the time you will find me sleeping on Samm's room because she tends to be awake in the middle of the night.  She needs someone on her side to put her back to sleep.

     I tried to have my devotions at 6am a while ago, after I turned over Yohanne to ate Pilar but my eyes are falling.  It is our agreement with my Bb (that is what I call my wife, Bb or Mahal), that from 4am to 6am I will be responsible for our 7 month old Yohanne.  After 6am it will be with the Yaya, so guess what I did? I went back to sleep and regained consciousness at 10am.

     Going back to my devotions, I am still in the Book of Acts and I am learning each day with the help of the Holy Spirit.  Acts chapter 8 and 9 talks about a lot of things form having the right heart in the ministry, the conversion of a Ethiopian finance director, How a Christian killer Saul turned to be a Powerful Preacher and another miracles with Peter, Healing and raising the dead.  

     What strikes me is the story of Saul, how a high profiled persecutor turned by God face to face, to suffer for His name.  I just picked up 2 verses below, but if you want to read the whole chapters please follow this link http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Acts+8&version=NLT

     Acts 8:1 Saul was one of the witnesses, and he agreed completely with the killing of Stephen.
     Acts 9:22 Saul’s preaching became more and more powerful, and the Jews in Damascus couldn’t refute his proofs that Jesus was indeed the Messiah.

     As always here are 2 points the Lord is wanting me to learn.

    1. It takes only GOD to change us and in that process He uses people.
    2. Our character will always be questioned after the change.
    As per Saul's case He needs a face to face encounter with God and after that Ananias came in.    God has His own ways for Him to get our attention, all we need is the sensitivity to recognize that. What are the events that are happening is it telling you something.  A person with intelligence will always have a reason for events happening and they call that coincidence.  But a person who has that spiritual aptitude knows in his heart that it is God working.

     The best part of being with God is the testing,  I  am blessed sharing good things to my Bb and to my friends who loves God.  Questions arises from family, friends, neighbors, officemates and to all your acquaintances who knows you inside out.  Saul needs Barnabas to prove that Saul is a change man.  For us who doesn't have Barnabas, we are known by our fruits.  What is changed therefore if it can't be seen on the results.

     Don't wait for GOD blinding you with His POWER, make a decision NOW.




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