It was a very busy 2nd week of May, there is a big challenge on the job since February.  With El Niño  phenomenon adding to it made it double difficult.  As a child of God, I am focusing my eyes on Him and get my wisdom in the word of God.  

     My devotional blog got lost for this week, I thank God I still manage to have good readings it is just that I was not able to write it in this blog.  I am still in the book of Acts and the Lord is adding  my knowledge on the operations of the early church.  Considering its setting as the 1st century, ministry during that specific era is totally different comparing it at present.  Let us take information for example, it travels in a tortoise speed during those years but now information travels in the speed of light. But what is notable during the early church is that the Power of God is very evident, it is tangible. Miracles, Signs and Wonders and Healing are happening everyday. Sad to say not all of Christian churches are seeing that today, and some are not even preaching it.

     My study on the book of Acts is augmented by Pastor David Sumrall's preaching.  As I have said I must have driven 2,000 km last week. My companion during those very long hours of driving is Pastor Sumrall's sermons. They are available in Catheral Of Praise website, here is the link of  the sermons http://www.cathedralofpraise.com.ph/cop_v3/html/insideCop/downloads.html.  I must have listened 6 of them playing 1 hour each sermon in my car last week.  It is of great help for me on my walk with God,  his words are full of Gods wisdom and is helping me to live right.  Please visit the site and download yours now.

     Going back to my devotion, I have learned good things in the verse below:

     Acts 14:16 In the past he permitted all the nations to go their own ways, 
               17 but he never left them without evidence of himself and his goodness. For instance, he sends you rain and good crops and gives you food and joyful hearts.”

     God will respect your free will, that he can't imposed and control my life like a robot.  But God's love is unmatched.  We can have full liberty on all actions we wan't to do good or bad.  Now take a look at this, in our own ways, he never left us without evidence of Himself and His Goodness.  I can not expound more on that thought.

     He even gave specific examples of blessings, which is rain for us to have good crops, food and joyful hearts.  I wanted to focus on joyful hearts, if the Lord is the one giving us joyful hearts then it being joyful is not just a choice.  I mean if you forced yourself to have a shift of paradigm on how we see things can we be joyful?  The answer is no, as his words describes, real joy comes from Him.  Joyfulness comes from the inside, it is the state of being blessed or happy.  The Lord touches the heart to soften it that it responds even to the weakest stimulus of joy.

     God is the same yesterday, today and forever.  The Alpha and Omega.

     Praise Him! 

     See You!



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