Y EARS OF L IFE: M ORE IN L OVE Efren Tagudan Salvador In a billion of faces, you are most special Seeing you in the morning makes me smile You make my heart beat, like a horse running a mile In my heart it burns like a fire. Life with you has a lot of meaning Being with you never made me boring. That even you don’t stop snoring I will still keep loving you and never ending. You will live in a million years Please lived it with the Lord with fear. For there is no better life I know Than to be with the one who created you. As for me your better half, I will make you my queen and will never stop. To commit to the love we shared, twill age like rock. Where season's will just leave a mark. Our dreams and future will tell How Good our God is to dwell. That in His presence we swell Like living waters filling our well. I will Love you till the end. As I promised and it will not bend. Till death I will stay and will not fray ...