
Showing posts from 2014

Rural Scent

   Who can resist the scent of a rice field?      Not me, I grew up in the farm, my parents are hardworking farmers.  We were trained to work in the farm as young as we were able to swing a sickle or carry a bundle of tobacco leaves. In our place in Piddig, Ilocos Norte, it is a usual practice that sons and daughters of farmers help in the farm.  We we're not paid by the hour, but the benefit of being compensated compared to the training on how to persevere, is more than money could offer.  The psychological Impact, when your sweat drips due to heavy toil in the farm totally differs rather than, that on the gym.  My parents exposed us to that kind of training for us siblings appreciate the value of hard work, perseverance and patience.  When hard toil comes we are already forged physically and emotionally tempered to withstand lfe's challenges.      I find comfort sitting beside the irrigation canal, watching emerald waves as the wind blows gently. The scent very peculiar, fami

The Lord our Healer: Jehovah Rapha

     I had my checkup at the Doctors clinic today, the clinical clerk check my BP and it is 120/80.  It is now my 8th year free from Hypertension. Praise and Glory to the Lord our Healer.       I was diagnosed of Hypertension on the summer of 2006.  What made it worse is I already have Left Ventricular Hyperthropy (LVH) in common language term, I have a heart enlargement due to an overworked heart.  This too was confirmed through 2D Echo.  I was under medication with Telmisartan (Pritor) 40mg.  That was my past clinical history. Now I have a brand new heart.       For me it was a struggle between faith and knowledge. I was trained from a U.S. company to sell cardiovascular drugs.  For 7 years I communicate to doctors, benefits of taking hypertensive drugs.  How can I forget Hypertension is a lifelong disease.  Once you have it the tendency of reversing it, is impossible.  Doctors management is to maintain their patient with drugs and lifestyle modification.  In order to prevent target


     You are fourteen thousand nine hundred seventy four days old today. Wow that's lots of days in this world.  I can't even count it with my fingers, including my toes.  But that doesn't mean your are old.  It means you have more wisdom added to your hard drive.       To document this special day here is your picture taken by Yohanne.      What I am praying is the for you to live for another nineteen thousand more days.  That your prayers will be answered and may all your dreams come true.  May we grow old together and enjoy the grandchildren.      Happy Birthday and I Love You Very Much.             

Industrial Sunset

   To those who appreciate the beauty in every sunset. This is not the best picture available.  While to others who will just consider it as the same sunset happening everyday, not your cup of tea for now. Sunset at Sumifru, Tibungco c2014                    Now consider it boring and unreasonable on why we chase sunsets or just simply fascinated  with the round sunny side up digging itself on the sea horizon or to the mountain ranges.  What benefits a person just simply amazed by the changing colors as it bids goodbye.       As a lover of the creator, His creation is rather perfect, until was broken. Our temporary home will always show us amazing sunsets, as long as it rotates in and  moves around the sun.      Industrial sunsets are rare encounters where, In spite of a very hectic work schedule.  Amidst tall cold storage buildings, I paused and capture the moment, which reminds me how awesome the Creator of Sunset is. Blending to what humans created for industries ma

Philippine Media: Over Commercialized

      This is just plain and simple observation, not back up by research and statistics.  It might be biased since it is just my opinion.        Every night as I am driving home, I am making it sure that I will not miss an audio broadcast  of GMA 7 and ABS-CBN 2 news from my preset radio, guess who is No. 1 in the memory?  News content are almost the same from both stations, it's 90% bad news and exaggerared controversies.           My observation, this has been the industry practice and it has never been changed through the years.  Is it because audience will prefer to watch news items with impact on imagination, rather than intellect? Stirring negative emotions rather than emphaty? I heard one speaker mentioned, that marketing is all about imagination.  If it can captivate emotion and imagination the tendency is a higher percentage of memory recall. Which will lead to loyalty in services, media, or person.  If this holds true, my opinion is, Philippine media is commercia

13 Things I LOVE To Do

There are special things we love do. Not for our own benefit but to someone we LOVE.  Here are my 13 things I love to do for/with you.  Why 13? Because we are celebrating 13 years of Love this month. 1.  Buy you flowers. 2.  Travel with you. 3.  Swimming on the beach with you. 4.  Praying for you. 5.  Worship with you. 6.  Watch movies with you. 7.  Star gazing with you. 8.  Chasing the sunset with you. 9.  Cooking your favorite dish. 10.  Playing games with you. 11.  Give you a massage. 12.  Buy your favorite fruit. 13.  Drink coffee with you. Happy 13 years!

Finish Line

      My travel today is not my regular business trip.  It is to pay respect to a very dear woman.  A woman who is never tired of doing good.  Good not to benefit herself, and family but for the community.  A woman who defines sacrifice by doing it, because her heart understands the plight of the communities who needs help.      I am talking about this person in this news item. Call all negative emotions to describe the impact of her loss is my present emotional state. Our last visit to Baguio with my family was last Holy Week 2014, I don't know by then, it  was our last fellowship together.  Whenever she knows we're going to the North she never fails to ask to drop by Baguio City. She never fails to ask how are the kids doing? But most specially to our angel. The moment she learned we're dropping by, She constantly coordinated with me, very specific details.  She was ve

Age with Grace

There is nothing new under the sun. We can read that  in the book of Ecclesiastes.  Since we are mortal beings we will surely pass this earth in our lifetime. What makes it challenging, is we don't know WHEN?  Many of us are in denial of this timeframe. Others do not want to talk about this either.  But listen to what God is saying with regard to this topic.   "Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." Psalm 90:12 NIV).   How to number our days?  According to World Health Organization (WHO) data, " 70 years was the average life expectancy at birth of the global population in 2012" . Numbering our days is simply subtracting 70 to your present age.  In my case I have 9,855 days or 328.5 months or 27 years EXPECTED remaining days.  What is the importance of knowing this? Imagine yourself in a doctors clinic and diagnosed of ALS. Why ALS? It is because of that viral ice bucket challenge? I used this example because being diagnosed with ALS, t

Christian Marketing 101

So sad to see christian events being marketed like a POWER BRAND. Convention announcements bearing the name of the Leader with no name of JESUS at all. In the New Testament, we can read a perfect example of an opportunity for Peter and John to SHINE. In Acts 3:12-26, instead of taking credits for themselves, they change the direction of the SPOTLIGHT to JESUS. Another is our reason in going to church. Which is better together or MEETING with the ONE TRUE KING? There is nothing wrong with HYPED MARKETING tag lines, what's wrong is sending a different focus apart from the true purpose of going to church. Acts 2 depicts the creation of the first Christian Church. Beginning in verse 17 to 36 Peter talked about JESUS alone, he did not talked about being a member of a group, or joining a boot camp for 3days. But Peter just simply pointed everyone to the Messiah our Saviour. Being in church alowed them to experience the goodness of God, seing miracles of healing, deliverance,

Dengue and White Chair

 Goodbye chair! I will not surely miss you, but will not forget you. White Multipurpose Chair You are like my BEST FRIEND who is always there, from day 1 to day 6. As if you heard when doctors declared "platelet today is 41, but always giving hope that it will go up soon because WBC is at 5.2".  Maybe you will not miss my anointed Pastor who is the visitor who purposely sat on you. For sure you remain stationary, when blood pressure dropped to 90/60. When there was a struggle for breathing, and ordered the XRay to be immediately done inside the room. (Note: it is not covered by HMO and it's not cheap). When the radiologist published results that there is a possible lung infection. Maybe if you have a brain, it can not process the outcome of someone having a dengue virus + nosocomial pneumonia  (hospital acquired pneumonia categorized as deadly). However God's wisdom is on the super cool Doctor, saying it is not a lung infection. The ordeal of low platel